Glossary of PLM-related terms

A - F    G - M    N - S    T - Z

Our dictionary of PLM words is derived from various standards and books that cover a broad array of industries and applications. We've attempted to synthesize this knowledge into short, easy-to-understand definitions. However, over 40 years of government and industry facts and opinions have created inconsistent and, frankly, muddled usages. The job of glossary editor is to make sense where none may exist, and therefore we sometimes can offer no more than a confident opinion based on experience. We are always willing to learn, and therefore solicit your comments.

Glossary words A to F

Glossary words G to M

Glossary words N to S

Glossary words T to Z


glossary (glôs'a-ree) noun. A vocabulary of specialized words with their associated definitions; a collection of glosses; a dictionary of technical terms.