MIL-HDBK-61A: Scope
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1.2 Application of CM over the Program Life Cycle Phases
Figure 1-1 illustrates how this military handbook's content is structured to provide a comprehensive guide (roadmap) to the application of configuration management through all life cycle phases of a program. As defined in DoD Instruction 5000.2 and DoD Regulation 5000.2-R, the life cycle extends from concept studies through demilitarization and disposal. A given military program however may not include all of the phases. Following Section 1 "Scope," Section 2 "Applicable Documents," and Section 3 "Definitions," the handbook is divided into the following major sections:
a. Section 4. CM Life Cycle Management and Planning.
Since management and planning are the keys to effective implementation of CM, Section 2 provides the focus for the entire handbook. It contains an overview of the CM process, a discussion of CM's relationships to other processes, and a synopsis of Government/contractor configuration management during the entire program life cycle. It addresses global CM Management activities applicable to all phases such as planning, process implementation, and performance measurement. A series of templates [Tables 4-1 through 4-4] address the following for each life cycle phase:
CM Objectives keyed to the program objectives for the Phase [Figure 4-5]
CM Activities supporting those objectives
Benefits and risks
Metrics to assess achievement of objectives and foster process improvement
Key actions to be taken, interfaces to be established and information needed to perform the activities
Pointers and references to specific supporting details found in Sections 2 through 7 and Appendices.
b. Sections 5 through 9. Major CM Functions.
In support of Section 2, Sections 3 through 7 contain detailed information in the form of activity descriptions, activity models, principles and concepts, and activity guides (diagrams, checklists, tables, etc.) for the following topics:
Section 5 Configuration Identification
Section 6 Configuration Control
Section 7 Configuration Status Accounting
Section 8. Configuration Verification and Audit
Section 9. Data Management
c. Appendices
The appendices to this handbook consist of additional information, supporting either the planning and information timeline in Section 4 or the details in Sections 5 through 9.

For correct application of this information, see NOTE on Contents page