MIL-HDBK-61A: Configuration Status Accounting (CSA)
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7.1 Configuration Status Accounting Activity.
Configuration status accounting (CSA) is the process of creating and organizing the knowledge base necessary for the performance of configuration management. In addition to facilitating CM, the purpose of CSA is to provide a highly reliable source of configuration information to support all program/project activities including program management, systems engineering, manufacturing, software development and maintenance, logistic support, modification, and maintenance.
Figure 7-1 is the activity model for CSA. The inputs, outputs, facilitators and constraints in this model are simply extracted from the overall CM activity model in section 4 (Refer back to Figure 4-1). CSA receives information from the other CM and related activities as the functions are performed. It is constrained only by contractual provisions, which establish the program life cycle phase, tasks to be performed and the organization (Government or contractor) tasked to perform them. In addition to the use of automated configuration management tools, the process is aided or facilitated by the documented CM process and open communications. The outputs from this activity provide visibility into CM document, activity status and configuration information concerning the product and its documentation. They also include "metrics" developed from the information collected in the CSA system and management "prompts" resulting from analysis of the CM database.
For correct application of this information, see NOTE on Contents page